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Crawler Field

Crawler course exclusively for radio-controlled vehicles

A new crawler field has been created within Star Forest Camp.

You can use a radio-controlled 4x4 to drive long distance courses, hold time attack races with friends, or sleep in a tent or car. It's also a great place to have a drink after the radio-controlled car ride and reminisce about the day.

how to apply

<RV/campsite guests> 2 hours ¥1,000-/ person (entrance fee included)

<Field only> 2 hours ¥1,500 (¥500 for companion) / person + ¥1,000- / car (parking fee)


 Camping and RV users can make reservations on Saturdays,

Those who wish to use the crawler field only may do so on weekdays and Sundays.

If you are planning to stay in a tent or use the RV site, please make a reservation at the Crawler Field.

Please select a tent site or RV site plan and apply. If you choose a wood chip site, the field will be next to it.

It gets very crowded on Saturdays◆

Please call if you wish to reserve the crawler field or tent site (wood chip site) exclusively.

If you are booking the entire facility for 10 or more people, this is a great deal.

From 4,800 yen per person for 10 people

[Crawler Field Reservation] *Official LINE

*Please fill in the [date and time], [number of participants], and [other details] and contact us.

Phone: 090-6273-0138

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